Thursday, January 7, 2010

But Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Well, it's officially 2010! OK, so it has been 2010 for seven days now, but it still boggles my mind for it to be 2010. 2009 was an intense year for me, and one of the biggest things to happen was this girl's graduation! I finally made it through college and came out a graduate, probably to much surprise.

OK, it's not like I am a lazy person or anything, well not that people can object to that because everything I'm writing on here is true fact, and no one can object. Unless you comment. Which I would be OK with, because then that would mean someone is actually reading my educating non-sense.

OK, so my goal is to keep this blog updated with thoughts, ideas, concepts that are weird to me, people/places/persons/things/animals that annoy me, why the ostrich is the superior animal, why igloos are confusing, and anything else that comes into this pretty little head of mine.

I also want to talk about things/ideas/weird concepts that are important to "you guys" my Internet fan base (it might be too soon to be that conceded). I will definitely be talking about sports on here, a lot about music, and definitely some sprinkles of fashion and the wonderful sad world that is Hollywood.

I also want to try and do every two weeks, or every month (wow my procrastination is kicking in already) a profile on someone interesting, but someone that is an everyday Joe/Jane person. Someone that you care about, someone that you know did something amazing, or just someone you see randomly and they kind of freak you out, but you maybe want to be their friend. You know those kinds of people. So keep your suggestions flowing and send me ideas/contacts.

Here's to the New Year; may the words and ideas be ever flowing.

Words of Wisdom: Big coats make you sit closer to people than you intend to.


  1. Hey there,

    I found your blog as I searched twitter for fellow Chicago bloggers. I also am reaching out to new bloggers who are in the same boat as me. Trying to stay motivated.

    Keep on keepin' on.



    P.S. you should put your blog link on your twitter page. Just friendly advice.

  2. Oh man, I understand lacking motivation! haha
    It's good that you're setting out with clear goals in mind! I will definitely be following!
