Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not Another Loser Team

And another one.  The Hawks can add another tally in the win box after Tuesday's game against the Tampa Bay Lightning, resulting in the Hawk's win 5-3.  While Tampa only had Steve Stamkos to count on for all of their goals, the Blackhawks worked together and had Keith, Bolland, Kane and Toews scoring for them.  

Perhaps Tampa could learn a thing or two about teamwork and what it takes to win from a team that fits perfectly together.  The Hawks currently are holding the position as fourth best in the nation, with a 95 goals on the road!  And the excitement will continue on tonight as the Blackhawks face the Florida Panthers tonight.

I think that all of Chicago should be rooting for the Hawks right now with everything they got!  Here is finally a Chicago team that we Chicagoans can actually be proud of.  The Cubs were a let down, again, for the 100th year in a row.  The Soxs teased us and then let us down as usual.  And the Bears continued to crush little kid's dreams another year in a row.  

Now I'm not trying to totally bash Chicago and their lack of ability to be good in sports.  But as a die hard Cubs, Bears, and Hawks fan it has been a very disappointing year for me.  Once again.  But luckily me and the rest of Chicago has a hockey team that has been doing anything but disappointing its' fans.

I think the other Chicago teams could take some pointers from a team that gives a crowd what they want; excitement and a win.  Go to a Hawks game and there isn't a dull moment, and you can actually leave the venue happy.  Because unlike Soldier Field, Cellular Field, or Wrigley, you will be leaving with another tally marked in the win box!

Check out a preview of  the Blackhawks vs. Panthers tonight.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here it Goes Again, Old School vs. New School

It is a topic that will never die, and seems to be even more of an issue now than it ever has. With the internet still growing each and everyday, opportunities to get your opinion and ideas noticed is a lot easier than it use to be. Which brings up the heated topic of whether or not John Smith, who has his own blog, is a journalist or not.

John Smith claims he is giving reasonable news and providing stories that people will be interested in.  But does the fact that he has the ability to type and compile words really qualify him as a journalist. People who blog and take themselves serious on their blog are in a never ending battle with print and broadcast journalist. 

Men and women who have gone to college, gotten degrees, and have done the research are fighting back against the John Smiths of the news world.  The ones who are claiming to be just as important or influential as the journalists who reports for the newspaper.  But true journalist are having a hard time keeping quiet.  The internet is free reign and anyone randomly can create and start their own blog. 

I would have to agree with both sides of this.  Just because you have a blog going, certainly does not give you the same experience or credentials as an educated journalist.  However, I also do not think that people's voices or opinion should be sheltered or covered up because they lack a degree.  

A true journalist at heart should know and understand, that if you are a writer and you have something to say, you are going to say it anyway and anyhow.  For the love of the game.  For the love of the writing, you will get your story out there.

Check out Kevin Anderson's article on Digital vs. Print and Apples and Oranges Analysis

Monday, February 9, 2009

Why Journalists Use Storytelling

The thing that makes a news story, sports story, or even an entertainment story compelling is just that. The story. Storytelling as a journalist is an important thing to do and to do well. People's stories and personal experiences make what you read or hear interesting and intriguing. Because this isn't just some wise-crack or tall-tale. 

This is a real life happening that makes a journalist. Journalist count on getting good compelling anecdotes to drizzle in their breaking news, to help add emotion and effect to what the audience is receiving. It is also how good stories and news break out, by people telling their stories to one another, and then passing that on. 

Take a look at most editorials or features you read in your newspaper or magazine. While most may appear to be just telling you something, there is a story within it. The story helps make the article true, by adding depth and experience.

Back To Sports Reporting

Having taken a sports reporting class before, I expected the advanced version to be similar. But perhaps more difficult and more in-depth than the previous class. After hearing the curriculum for the semester I was pleasantly surprised to hear we will be working with multi-media students. It was exciting enough to hear we would be creating our own sports blog, but even more so to know we would be working with another class to incorporate their skills as journalist and media makers too. I think it is going to be very interesting to see the ideas we come up with as a team. There should be plenty of learning on both sides of the table. And the finished projects will be very exciting and rewarding. The group I am in is very excited to work together, and I am confident that we will work well. We are interested in the Polar Bear Club for our first story and hope to be there when they take their first plunge into the freezing cold waters of Lake Michigan in an effort to raise money for the Special Olympics and other special needs families.